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Projects and Thoughts

Information worth sharing, and work that has been done

Game Credits

Video Game Work

Open Source Work

Open Source

Things to read

A reading list for better leadership

Website Policies

Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

Work History

The places I have worked, and things I have done.

  • GitHub


    February 2019 to Present

    Brought Developer Relations to the company that runs the worlds largest Developer Community.

    👩‍💻 Millions of Developer everyone are GitHub's customers. Dev Rel could never grow to a 1:N with those developers. Lots of work here on force multiplication and "influencer" programs, including launching GitHub Stars, and account management for the Top Open Source projects on GitHub (the communities on GitHub that give GitHub it's value).

    👨‍💻 Internal "consultant" to most of the non-sales portions of the company.

  • Magic Leap

    Magic Leap

    August 2016 to February 2019

    Launched a hardware platform, from scratch, and it was a new design paradigm.

    đź’» Built Developer Relations from the ground up *(first external hire)*, managed and grew multiple teams.

    📇 Built process around Developer Experience, Developer Support & Education, Feedback into company.

    🪄 Internal "consultant" on what a Developer needs to be successful on hardward.

  • Epic Games

    Epic Games

    Sept 2010 to August 2016

    Launched Unreal Engine 4 privatly, then publicly for everyone, then brought it to new markets.

    🖥️ Brought on as the only internal person focused entirely on the licensable technology side of the business. Grew that from just me to global team of over 60 world wide.

    🎚️ Effective Product Manager for Unreal Engine, Direct manager for almost all day to day aspects of business (excpetions being License negotiation, PR, and the Engineers writing the engine.)

  • Emergent Game Tech

    January 2008 to September 2010
    Lead a team of support engineers in the launch of a new game engine, Gamebryo Lightspeed.

    🎆 Joined Emergent to help them launch the Gamebyo Lightspeed game engine, a continuation of their Gamebryo Engine with a more feature-full toolset.

    🎆Emergent went out of business 6 weeks after I departed.

  • Legendary Studios LLC

    January 2006 to September 2010

    Founded an Independent Game Studio.

    🚀 Built a multiplayer racing game on Havok, Gamebryo, and Mono for C# scripting. Ran on PC, Xbox 360, and PS3.

    🚀 Completed a ZUNE game in XNA / C#.

  • Point of Sales Contracting

    2002 to 2007

    POS Solutions
    Kayak Pools

    🧾 Assorted Point of Sale system work.

  • Independent Development

    1998 to Present

    Unreal Community: Created this community from scratch. Grew it to over 4 million users. Since departing Epic Games I stay up to date on Unreal and still help out where I can.

    XNA Community: Active member and contributor, for the duration of the XNA API.
    Helium, a 2D, 3D hybrid Game Engine written in XNA. Available on GitHub Codeplex for Windows Phone, Xbox360, PC.
    Name, a networked and local multiplayer game originally written for the Zune. Video on youtube source on codeplex. C#/XNA, runs in 16mb of ram, 4 player networked or local multipler, Zune 2008.

    Garage Games Community: Active member and contributor 1998 to 2006.
    "Garage Games Test Project" member. This was a group of 30 or so folks with early access to Torque Shader Engine, TorqueX, and Torque2D who provided feedback and bug fixes.
    Torque 2D : Complete, multiplayer Networked Risk-inspired Game (2002). Gave this sample back to the community.

Me and the Dogs

Just a boy and his 2 Shiba Inu


fat doge

Paul Oliver

provider of snacks


forever puppy

You'll find us out and about in the Fremont area of Seattle.


Photography Gallery is still under construction... Check back in April


Wynwood District, Miami


Seattle, Washington


Photo's from Alaska


A few trips to china

San Francisco

Around San Francisco


Paris, France